Sunday, November 3, 2019

Don’t Cross Your Fingers for Luck

Life is what you have not chosen by yourself. Life has appointed you. The day you were born you didn’t know where are you and where are you going to go. As you are growing up, things are getting intricate. The only person who chooses to give up or work for change is you. Michelle Obama asks, "Do we settle for the world as it is, or do we work for the world as it should be?" Be wise and decide wisely. Of course, every one of us wants the world as it should be, not as it is.
To work for the world as it should be, first of all, you need to know where are going to go? To lights up your destination, you should set a goal for your life. Remember, setting the goal is not everything. It is just the beginning of your life adventures. It only helps you to determine your unknown destination. Throughout the way, you may face drastic varieties of hindrances which are striving to get you down but remember not to surrender soon.
To get your goal accomplished with a comprehensive victory, you should be a responsible person. Take the responsibility of whatever you do. It’s the second step after goal setting. Imagine you are in the middle of a road which its end is unknown. There are various charming things possibly grab your attention and keeps you stay there. Remember to review your goal. It helps you not to forget you have a long journey ahead. Moreover, and probably the most important thing is to feed yourself well. There are varieties of fresh fruits, delicious meal that God has gifted.
You know it is a complicated journey. Sometimes you may get to a place which surrounded with the most beautiful things. The fresh breeze delights your soul and sheds your tiredness away. The smell of flowers around tempts you to stay for more times. Take a rest but remember your goal is to get to the heyday. It would look way more beautiful. You can see all over around. Meanwhile, and in order not to suck into those charming places, you should be self-disciplined. It’s the next part of the puzzle which helps achieve your objectives and complete your life’s puzzle.
You need a high skill to place each piece of life’s puzzle accurately. For getting the required skills, you should work on your self-development. Remember that the competition is so troublesome. The best way for self-development is by reading a lot. No one will tell you the plot of life, so you should work out and read a lot to find out the clues. The people/ person who is not reading a lot would be just a face in the crowd. I know, you have made your decision wisely and followed the chain connected to your goal. Couples of books are out there. Read the one you love, the one which defines your life. Most probably, you would face the people who are not reading a book. If you do not read a book, you experience a painful life.
Do you think reading a lot is everything? Of course not. Every day you see the sunrise from a place, and sets in next place. The sunrise and sunset show the period of your life. It’s a good clue for you to manage your time. Besides all the factors that help get to your goal, the next one is time management. You do not have enough time to spend couples on one thing. Make a proper daily plan like a sun. When to rise and when to set. What to do in the dark and what to do in the light. Also, the seasons are changing. Do not be happy for the heart touching beauty of autumn because it wouldn’t last long. As the golden leaves are dropping down from the trees, a chilly wind combs your hair, and you would fall in love with these romantic nature. Unluckily it’s just for a while. It is just a sign that tells you to prepare. Winter is coming.
It looks that life so cruel, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s. If it is the case, let’s equip you for the next part of your journey. I see you are a lucky person. You are grabbing any possible chances to conquer the heyday of your life’s success. You took the risk and did not just stay to see the romantic views of fall. You went out to prepare for the cold winter. What you have done is the next part I wanted to tell. Luckily, you found it. Guess what? Yes, taking the risk is what we all need to do in some cases because we planned for a better one. Do not regret what you risked. Keep going.
The winter is harsh. I know sometimes it feels that you are freezing. Life gets gloomy, your heads get full of despair, and your feet are frustrated. I know you are a vigilant person that knows the winter is not perpetual. Your diligence would break up the glacial of hopelessness. It’s tedious. Just take a glance back. See how far you have come. You paved almost all the distance. Now, find a way to win. This way opens the window to a new spring. As everything is growing newly, remember you should also review your goals, make a new one, and do what you love.
Finally, you have followed all the steps that take you to success. Make sure to remember all the factors that take to the bloom of success. It’s a long chain. The loss of a small part is the deviation for a whole life. When you lost, work for life as it should be. Do not cross your fingers for luck.
Emran Poya
July 21, 2019

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